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The Rogue Scholar Strikes a Balance

Brandy Schillace explains how she managed to develop her alt-ac career without losing her sanity.

Spousal Hire Realities

The author never thought much about her career being connected to her partner's until it was -- and she writes about the numerous challenges of the situation.

Making a Home

Nate Kreuter considers the financial and non-financial issues of buying a house -- and putting down roots in a community.

Race, Gender and Academic Jobs

While searching for a new job, a white academic is stunned by the way a department interviewing her treated and talked about a black female academic.

Interviews in Student Affairs

Sonja Ardoin tells you how to prepare and what to expect.

Finding Jobs in Student Affairs

Sonja Ardoin explains how to identify good openings and how to decode job descriptions.

Writing Environments

When we write, we need periodically to rethink where, how and with whom we do so, suggests Nate Kreuter.

Looking Beyond the Tenured

As the academic leadership pipeline dries up, colleges should adjust their policies to give non-tenure-track faculty a better shot at administrative jobs, Kristan Venegas and Adrianna Kezar argue.