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Why Ph.D. Students Should Think Like Entrepreneurs

Getting a doctorate is a lot more rewarding if you stop trying to be a good student and start acting like you’re running your own business, advises Ilana M. Horwitz.

The Good Enough Professor

During the pandemic, Douglas Guiffrida has found that the faculty who’ve succeeded in the new environment share a similar attitude that appears to be lacking among those who’ve struggled.

The Times, They Are Changing

Institutions should take a more systematic approach to helping grad students and postdocs learn to communicate to potential employers the value and application of their work, argues Jovana Milosavljevic Ardeljan.

Nothing Normal About Getting Tenure This Year

We are stepping into an environment where the stakes for defending the democratic university and the institution of tenure itself are arguably higher than ever, argues Megan A. Carney.

Submit Your Retirement Plans for Ranking

Only somewhat tongue-in-cheek, longtime presidential spouse Mort Maimon holds up his wife’s approach to retirement as a model for a new contest.

3 Strategies for Inclusive Pedagogy

Jamie Landau has found that a communication and racial justice perspective has enabled her students -- and her -- to rediscover their voices.

Overcoming the 4 Pain Points of Publishing

Nicole Mansfield Wright offers recommendations for navigating the obstacles you must surpass to publish your academic book.

3 Mental Shortcuts That Could Undermine Your Job Search

Irina Filonova explains how confirmation bias, misremembering and the GI Joe fallacy can stand in your way -- and how to identify and avoid them.