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The Presidential Spouse

When defining roles and duties, a good guide may be the adages about courtesy and common sense that we learned from our grandparents, writes Michael W. Schultz.

One Size Fits All

When you face crocodile tears or red-faced anger from students frustrated with their grades, stay calm and stick with your standards, writes Rob Weir.

Procrastination - I

Peg Boyle Single considers how we put off writing -- and how to change our habits.

A Brief Breath of Spring

Teresa Mangum sees a few hopeful developments in this year's gloomy job market.

It's Crunch Time!

The end of the semester must be near because nearly all the new faculty members I met last week were...

Monitoring Independent Study

When a professor supervises student work at an outside business, how does a department provide oversight? C.K. Gunsalus helps with the issues and the politics.

How to Lose Friends and Influence No One

Rob Weir considers the administrative practices that make many professors reject the idea of a position outside the faculty ranks.

There Is No Guru

Kerry Ann Rockquemore wants you to reconsider the quest for the perfect mentor.