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Responding to Rejection

When you get negative feedback, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, analyze it, deal with it (if appropriate) and move on.

Does Wikipedia Suck?

Banning the popular Web tool will be ineffective, writes Rob Weir, but you can teach your students how to evaluate information.

Beyond Consanguinity

A department chairman recounts the many ways that nepotism and conflicts of Interest can interfere with the faculty hiring and promotion process.

Listen to Your Body

To advance your career, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, you need your mental and physical health.

Why I Attend Small Conferences

For meaningful interaction with colleagues, avoid the national mega-meetings, writes Kevin Brown.

Perfectionism - I

Peg Boyle Single explains how some of the qualities that got you into graduate school can make it extra hard to finish up.

The Teaching Trap

Just because you care about your students doesn't mean their needs should take over your life, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Too Golden a Parachute

When a faculty member makes outrageous demands, and an institution wants to encourage more retirements, what's an administrator to do? C.K. Gunsalus weighs the options.