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The Pandemic’s Silver Lining for Faculty

Administrators have used it as a catalyst for transforming their policies and procedures to honor the important roles both tenured and non-tenure-track faculty members play, writes Adrianna Kezar.

The Unsung Career Benefits of Graduate Teaching Assistantships

We need to emphasize or reconceptualize such assistantships as a source of skills that are transferable within and beyond academe, write Morris Grubbs and Ashley Sorrell.

What BIPOC Professors Need From Students

Shanique G. Brown and Jennifer M. Gómez, two Black professors, write an open letter to BIPOC grad students and others offering 10 tips for appropriately engaging with marginalized faculty.

How Presidents Can Best Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

No matter where they stand politically, every president must provide leadership in this area, writes Sheila Edwards Lange, who recommends some ways to do so effectively.

Do Late Penalties Do More Harm Than Good?

After a semester without implementing them, Amy A. Hasinoff has decided that they mainly create intense anxiety for students and may not provide that much payoff for instructors.

3 Key Ways to Connect Courses and Careers

Focusing on skills, stories and interdisciplinarity can bridge the gap between academic training and meaningful work postgraduation, writes Mary Anne Lewis Cusato.

Preparing for a Rapidly Changing World of Work

Sonali Majumdar highlights why grad students and postdocs should identify emerging employment trends, develop durable skills and ultimately adapt a growth mind-set for professional success.

You Never Stop Being First-Generation

Yet colleges pay far less attention to the plight of graduate students than they do undergrads, and any specialized support for first-gen faculty pretty much trickles to a halt, writes María C. Ledesma.