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Grade Inflation Deserves an A

As an instructor, Candy Lee asks, if a student, working diligently, hasn’t managed to grasp a subject, whose fault is it—theirs or mine?

Tackling the Stack

As the academic year comes to an end, Daniel Cole offers some tips for how to grade student essays efficiently and with integrity.

Professors, Stop Telling Your Students Not to Get Ph.D.s

You may inadvertently discourage students from marginalized backgrounds, for whom it may be the perfect path—and who most need your help simply to navigate the process, argues Karly Ball.

About to Take a Job You Don’t Really Like?

Irina Filonova advises what you should do instead—before too much damage is done.

The Future of Faculty Development Is Feminist

Colleges must mend the gap between conventional views about what faculty need for support and what faculty actually want, writes Niya Bond.

What the Debate Over Civility Is Really About

As academic leaders struggle to balance demands for civility with those for free speech, Nicholas C. Burbules, C. K. Gunsalus, Brian C. Martinson and BrandE Faupell highlight three underexplored aspects.

What Are We Saying When We Thank Students for Sharing?

Students often repeat this handy phrase of praise, but we are not doing them any favors by using it in class—and we’re certainly not helping prepare them for what comes next, writes Rachel Toor.

Searching for Success

Herman Berliner shares lessons for how you can avoid mistakes when searching for people to serve in top-level positions like president, provost, vice president or dean.