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Stop Asking Me for the Hummus Recipe

Such comments reveal an alarming level of misunderstanding, if not ignorance, of the Arab American community, reducing us to stereotypes and implying that we don’t belong, writes Mireille Rebeiz.

A Tale of 2 Institutional Types

When thinking about what jobs in academe to pursue, we rarely seem to consider the startling differences between various sorts of colleges and universities, writes Claire Potter.

Stop Telling Students to ‘Narrow Down’ Their Topic

A student who follows that advice will most likely end up as lost as they were before—just inside a slightly narrower wilderness, argue Christopher Rea and Thomas S. Mullaney.

Why Faculty Aren’t Vibing With the Moment

Many aspects of our lives have been upended these past several years, and we face uncertain futures, writes Shareen Joshi.

Why You Should Join Your Graduate Student Organization

You will miss out on a great opportunity if you pass up the chance to be involved with such a group, writes Tithi Basu Mallik.

Forging a Creative Life as an Academic

Too many people confess they can’t wait to retire so they can finally write what they really want. They spend years living and working in ways that are conditional and constraining, writes Deborah J. Cohan.

10 Ways to Promote Your First Academic Book

You can do a number of small things to help publicize it and get your story out to a broader audience, writes Joanne W. Golann.

Pulling Distance Learning Tools Into In-Person Classes

Anita Cheng describes some specific ways college instructors can use online methods developed during the pandemic to enhance classroom teaching and learning.