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Teaching as a Transferrable Skill

The ability to help others learn can be applied in almost any job, and graduate students should develop it as soon as they can, writes Lauren Easterling.

Lessons From the Pivot

In writing a book about the pandemic’s impact on his university, Robert Bliwise learned a lot about how a campus handles a health crisis, but he learned other things, too.

Promoting Institutional Change Through Inclusive Cluster Hiring: Part 1

Elizabeth H. Simmons and Becky R. Petitt introduce an innovative approach to faculty cluster hiring with transformative potential.

Should Professors Need a License to Teach?

Susan N. Kahn calls for higher standards for entry into college and university teaching.

Ask Us Anything

More than ever, job candidates want answers to questions they feel uncomfortable asking, and colleges should make it easier for them to get that information, writes Rachel Gabriele.

Setting up International Ph.D.s and Postdocs for Success

We should advise our temporary visa–holding trainees how to expand their skills and experiences to prepare for diverse jobs and a successful immigration process, write Paola Cépeda and Natalie Chernets.

Maintaining Inclusion in Engineering in a Post-Dobbs World

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling and state laws will adversely impact marginalized groups in engineering and STEM, so we must rethink recruitment and retention, write Marjolein C. H. van der Meulen, Jennifer S. Wayne, Naomi C. Chesler and Lori A. Setton.

Inviting Students Into Your Department

It is one of the most important commitments a healthy and thriving unit can make—and, if you are the chair, part of your responsibility, writes Kevin Dettmar.