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Why Faculty Must Learn to Swim in Other Waters

To help students prepare for jobs, we need to learn new skills, writes Rachel Toor.

Introducing Teaching and Learning Hubs

Karen A. Stout and Audrey J. Jaeger describe a new model that leverages faculty professional development to improve student outcomes at community colleges.

Lessons From a 2-Week Interim Course

It can be way more than a blow-off class or a rush through the curriculum, writes Christopher Schaberg.

Defeating the Peter Principle in Academic Leadership

Institutions often promote academic leaders who rise until their skills prove insufficient in their new positions, writes Stefan Niewiesk. What can be done?

Big-Picture Thinking Can Start Now

Grad school is a perfect opportunity to look beyond minute details and hone that mind-set, a skill that can be used throughout your career and life, writes Anne Meyer-Miner.

Notes of a DEI Search Chair

Without certain conditions, a search amounts to a public devaluing of scholars who have historically been marginalized within the academy, argues Abena Ampofoa Asare.

Retirement Planning for Professors

As she approaches that milestone herself, Susan M. Shaw offers 14 recommendations to help other faculty members leave on their own terms.

The Importance of the Pause

Jackson Bartlett describes how to make space for the humanity of students and instructors during troubling national events and crises.