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Know Your Audience

Mary W. Walters considers two key ways to improve your odds of winning the favor of grant review committees.

Setting Expectations

A new semester means a new round of student requests. Rob Weir knows what to say to students who "need an A."

Stop Talking, Start Walking

Kerry Ann Rockquemore wants your time allocation to match the criteria that will be used to judge your tenure bid.

Advice for Wannabe Profs

Terri E. Givens considers what to tell a would-be graduate student about the job market and life as an academic.

Lessons of an Academic Vagabond

Having worked at five different colleges, Melissa Nicolas writes that there are commonalities every tenure-track faculty member needs to remember.

A Semester Needs a Plan

Kerry Ann Rockquemore suggests a three-step approach to managing your time.

Hiring at 2-Year Colleges

Tom Hurley explains what you need to know about the application and review process.

The 2-Year Option

Worried humanities job seekers should consider positions at community colleges, writes Tom Hurley.