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The Ever-Evolving C.V.

Keep this important document current, easy to navigate and honest, writes Eszter Hargittai.

A Chance to Advance

Departments have no business punishing adjuncts or those who haven't earned tenure if they seek other positions, writes Nate Kreuter.

What Is a Colleague?

No campus is an island, none of us stands alone. Maria Shine Stewart offers various definitions of a word often used and rarely discussed.

Teaching Generation Z

Eliza Woolf wonders what to make of students who seem disengaged from class and then give her great evaluations.

The Alt-Ac Track

Graduate students en route to Ph.D.s can simultaneously prepare themselves for well-paying non-faculty jobs in higher education, write Brenda Bethman and C. Shaun Longstreet.

Bridging the Cross-Cultural Divide

Katherine Haley on how colleges can ensure that faculty members and trustees work together effectively on presidential search committees.

The Active Interview

Even if you aren't asking the questions, you can guide the conversation, writes Katherine Ellison.

Fatherhood and Academic Life

When a father is the one balancing work and family duties, not everyone in academe is supportive or even understands, writes Matt Fotis.