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How to Earn Tenure -- II

Jacob L. Vigdor describes how to seal the deal with your research -- and what to do if that doesn't work.

Hate Isn't a University Value

How should a queer junior professor react when a prominent trustee and donor makes jokes about gay people? Eric Joy Denise reflects. 

How to Earn Tenure

Jacob L. Vigdor explains how to devise a research agenda and to get the right people aware of your work.

A Scholarly Approach to Work-Life Issues

Need reliable information about promotions, leaves and other work-life issues? Elizabeth Simmons offers advice on how to research these matters at your institution.

'You Can't Always Get What You Want'

But you won't get much of anything if you don't negotiate, says Cheryl E. Ball.

Surviving Grad School

Jennifer Schloss shares seven steps to keeping your enthusiasm high, and your doctoral education moving forward.

A Scholarly Approach to Your Career

The coursework and research from your postgraduate training have equipped you with the scholarly skills to help you master the mysteries of faculty life, Elizabeth Simmons writes.

Not Newly Minted Enough?

Two adjuncts consider the jobs available to them, and those closed off.