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Making the To-Be List

What happens when you are promoted in a way that takes you away from routines you cherished? Kent Barnds considers transitions in an administrative career.

Don't Be a Jerk

Spring may seem distant in a year in which 49 states have snow on the ground, but those coming up...

Get Out There and Shake It!

You can't wait for senior colleagues to reach out. You need to reach out to them, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Search Committee Etiquette

Mikita Brottman offers six tips for those interviewing faculty members in this challenging year.

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

In December, Inside Higher Ed graciously brought me down to the Modern Language Association conference in Philadelphia to meet with...

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Think you can reform your institution before earning tenure? Think again, suggests Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

A Committee's Bad Choice

Dear Survival Guide: I’m an administrator at a university and I’m caught between a committee and a hard place. The...

A Road Less Traveled

Michael Benson considers lessons of path that led him from a doctorate in Middle Eastern history to a job roofing houses to fund raising and to college presidencies.