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10 Reasons to Promote Your Research Through Videos

Marta Gabryelska and Sarah Wettstadt explore how it can help strengthen your impact, increase your citations, expand your funding opportunities and provide various other benefits.

3 Teaching Exercises for Mindfulness in the Classroom

Mindfulness can be an off-putting concept for some instructors, but it offers an opportunity to truly connect with students as they access knowledge and express their ideas, argues Irina Popescu.

Wordle, AI and Writing as Gaming

Doug Hesse explores the Wordle phenomenon and why people play language games, including the fundamental one of writing.

Leading Academic Groups With ‘Yes, And’

Instituting the first rule of improvisation can set the stage for not only a more positive work culture but also important social change, write Michael Paul Nelson and Thomas H. DeLuca.

Being Present vs. Being a Presence

Zoom conferences have advantages, but when Robert Franciosi attended a small regional meeting in person, he reveled in the engagement, and the pandemic-shrouded world momentarily receded.

What All Academic Leaders Can Learn From a 1,000-Piece Puzzle

Among numerous other lessons, Ali Carr-Chellman found that working on one, like learning to lead, requires attempting various approaches: trying, failing, trying again and seeing what works.

Reflect on Your Positionality to Ensure Student Success

Christine Harrington explores how faculty can and should closely examine their experiences, beliefs and potential biases so they can understand how they impact student learning.

The Emotional Toll of Presidential Scandals

Teresa Valerio Parrot shares what she’s learned about how to address the unspoken effects of college leaders’ misconduct on the people left to pick up the pieces.