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Dismantling Rape Culture in College Athletics

We must confront the subject of sexual violence head-on and educate male student-athletes about the various forms of it, writes DeWitt Scott.

Portrait of Faculty Mental Health

New study of faculty members with mental health issues finds they disclose conditions selectively to trusted colleagues but are less trusting of and have worse reactions from staff members whose job it is to help them.

Experiencing Impostor Syndrome? Get Used to It.

It is normal for many, if not most, of us in academe, according to an anonymous writer.

10 Challenges for Scholars Writing for Wider Audiences

Academics can -- and should -- speak to the general public, and they can do so without compromising their scholarly lives, argue Christopher Schaberg and Ian Bogost.

Stop Wasting Time

Peter Eckel describes the often typical shortcomings of cabinets -- and how to avoid them.

Not Another Committee

While committees can certainly be valuable, virtually everyone wonders at some point how effectively they are managed and how well they use people’s time, writes David Farris.

Humanities Majors Drop

Declines in bachelor’s degrees awarded are particularly notable for English and history, but trends at community colleges may cheer advocates for the liberal arts.

Stop Fear From Dictating Your Career Choices

Thomas Magaldi gives advice on how to overcome long-held yet false assumptions that often drive behavior and limit opportunities.