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The Exclusivity of Inclusive Excellence

Andrea Y. Simpson reflects on how the phrase, as interpreted at so many institutions, can undermine the goals of diversity and inclusivity, as well as limit the scope of first-rate scholarship.

How to Effectively Mentor Students Online

When you rarely, if ever, see your students in person, Mai P. Trinh asks, how do you develop supportive relationships and help them successfully finish their degrees and advance their careers?

Preparing for the Metaverse With E-portfolios

Colleges must consider the steps they should take to prepare for a new type of learning, including teaching students how to cultivate virtual identities, write JT Torres and Marissa C. McKinley.

How to Share Your Dissertation With a Broader Audience

Terry O’Banion offers 10 guidelines for successfully transforming your work into an academic article (or two) that reaches more readers.

9 Ways to Avoid Job Search Fatigue

Looking for a job is draining, writes Olga Koutseridi, who gives advice for how to stay energized throughout the process.

Is It Time to Eliminate the Private Faculty Office?

Manju Adikesavan and Laxmi Ramasubramanian describe eight steps to make hot desking work for your academic unit.

Why Is the Book Doctor Out?

Rachel Toor finds herself seeking a position that colleges and universities should offer but most don’t.

We Need to Teach Students How to Implement

Faculty members commonly train students how to develop ideas but not how to make those ideas tangible, write Spencer Carlson, Liz Gerber and Matt Easterday.