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Why Most of Us Won’t Get Tenure

We no longer need advice for what individual faculty should do about the problem, argues Jamie J. Hagen. Rather, we should be seeking real institutional change.

Crafting a Successful Cover Letter

To stand out, a cover letter must be outstanding: smart, engaging, concrete, detailed and polished to perfection. Melissa Dennihy gives pointers on how to do that.

Chair in Despair

Becoming a department chair is difficult under the best of circumstances, but even more so during a tumultuous political moment. Kerry Ann Rockquemore offers some strategies for moving forward.

The Classroom as Retreat Space

When we as professors step outside the regular habits of the classroom, we can make a difference in how students see themselves and approach their own learning, writes Esteban Loustaunau.

How to Pick a Great Adviser

That person will have an outsized influence on your professionalization and career preparation, so you should chose them wisely, advises James M. Van Wyck.

Tips for Writing Recommendation Letters

Faculty members often seem to lack insight into how to write strong letters on their students’ behalf, writes Manya Whitaker, who offers 10 guidelines for improvement.

Obtaining Outstanding Recommendations

Shannon Craigo-Snell suggests ways that scholars, especially marginalized ones, can solicit strong letters of recommendation.

A Modest Proposal for Modest Proposals

Students should be encouraged to think in terms of hypotheses rather than theses, and research questions or problems rather than their putative solutions when it comes to dissertation proposals, argues Heather Dubrow.