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Equitable Exams During COVID-19

Pamela Chui Kadakia and Allan A. Bradshaw offer some approaches to consider in light of the sudden changes this spring as instructors begin to design, administer and score final assessments.

The Elephant in the (Zoom) Room

The current pandemic brings home that higher education must be organized around meaningful and humane student learning experiences, write members of the TPHE Collective.

A Plan for Resisting Zoombombing

Carlton E. Green provides advice for how to best respond to an incident and care for the people who have been impacted.

You Aren't Bragging

When job seeking, don't downplay your strengths and accomplishments but instead know that, by recognizing them, you're giving employers necessary information, writes Diane A. Safer.

How to Retain Women of Color and Indigenous Women Grad Students

Kimberly D. McKee and Denise A. Delgado highlight three crucial components that can help such students not only survive but also thrive at their institutions.

Mass Exodus

The COVID-19 crisis stands to drive more Ph.D.s from academia than any event in living memory, and they will require strong career guidance and support, writes Christopher L. Caterine.

Online Education and Authentic Assessment

A common question these days, writes Douglas Harrison, is "How do we keep students from cheating on online exams?"

Beating Pandemic Burnout

Focusing on purpose, compassion, connection and balance in times of uncertainty can help you cope with challenges, writes Rebecca Pope-Ruark.