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A Writing Routine

Peg Boyle Single offers a series of practical tips.

They Don't Read!

Over the years I’ve often taught Edward Bellamy’s classic 19th century utopian novel Looking Backward. It’s a blistering critique of...

Those Humanities Ph.D.'s

Did you hear the one about the humanities Ph.D.? Last month, Inside Higher Ed reported on the Graduate Education Initiative...

An Unfair Request

When you lack tenure, and you think a colleague with tenure is making an unethical request, how do you protect your ethics and your job? C.K. Gunsalus considers a reader's dilemma.

Tools for Teleworkers

Justin Draeger describes the communication methods and gadgets that no office -- centralized or not -- should be without.

Advice for the New Administrator

Susan Resneck Pierce reviews how to learn what matters at a college, how to make decisions, how to supervise and how to inform and keep others informed.

What the Research Says

Peg Boyle Single explains why you need to write regularly, write in the morning and get over the quest for the perfect word.

The Benjamin Mays Model

The late Morehouse president provides an example of how to lead a college, with an emphasis on values and on students, writes Walter M. Kimbrough.