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Making Black Life Matter in Academe

Colleges and universities must do more than just bring in a speaker from the movement, only momentarily suspending the whiteness that pervades the everyday life and operations of the campus, argues Eric Anthony Grollman.

Just Do Good Work

Anxious about landing an academic job after graduation, Shantá R. Robinson ultimately discovered that true “How I Made It” stories involve uncertainties, mishaps and mistakes.

An Ally in Troubling Times

Many activist professors are stretched thin from attending protests, leading campus conversations, helping students while also processing their own emotions and dealing with the general weight of the current political moment. Kerry Ann Rockquemore gives advice on how to support such colleagues on your campus.

Green-Eyed Grad Student

Everything changed when my best friend immediately found tenure-track employment while I struggled to finish a dissertation that seemed increasingly like a waste of time, writes Patricia Grisafi.

Full Disclosure Not Required

Is it acceptable to be our “authentic selves” in a job search? Paula Di Rita Wishart gives some advice.

Faculty, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Academics

Faculty member Betsy Lucal now strongly urges any student who will listen to reconsider their plans to earn a Ph.D.

Staying on Course via a Course Correction

In a hypothetical case study, Barbara McFadden Allen, Robin Kaler and Ruth Watkins give advice to leaders who have to reconsider the directions in which they are heading.

Needed: Response-Enabled Leaders

In changing times, our campuses need not only individual leaders but also a collective environment of leadership, writes Judith S. White.