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The Unbearable Whiteness of Mesearch

Claiming that “mesearch” is a particular issue for scholars of color demonstrates a profound lack of self-awareness on the part of researchers in the social sciences and humanities, argues Victor Ray.

Reclaiming Authenticity

As high-achieving women in academe, we are not impostors, writes Claudine Keenan, but have earned our way -- regardless of the pathways we have followed.

A Defense of Academic Twitter

Patrick Iber provides guidance on how to make Twitter work for academic purposes.

Establishing Rapport in the Classroom

Jennifer Lundquist and Joya Misra provide suggestions for how faculty members can best connect with students in class.

How to Illustrate Your Career Readiness Competencies

As many grad students approach the end of their academic programs, they realize they’ve forgotten how to talk about their strengths and skills to different types of employers. Joseph Barber provides advice.

Research on the Margins

J. Sumerau provides advice to researchers who find themselves studying groups or phenomena missing -- mostly or entirely -- from the current scientific literature.

5 Myths About Nice Academics

Being perceived as nice has perks, writes Melissa Nicolas, but it can create troubling misconceptions about who we are and how we should act.

Creating a Campus Mentoring Program

Kerry Ann Rockquemore suggests six questions to ask yourself in order to create a lean and workable program.