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Your Ph.D. and Work Experience Are Great Life Experience: Part 3

Briana Mohan takes a broad view of academe and careers and consider how graduate students and postdocs might best engage with the challenges of the present moment.

The Future of the College Presidency

Citing a shrinking talent pool and a retirement boom, a panel of campus leaders convened by the Aspen Institute lays out what the changing job requires and who might fill it.

Linking Evaluations to Equity Contributions

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire policy will require all faculty and staff members to work toward equity, diversity and inclusion, for consideration in their evaluations. It's controversial, but proponents say it's an efficient way to put values into action.

The Costs of a Calling

The Duke Divinity email fracas shows the peril of academics viewing their work as a vocation and not a job, argues Jonathan Malesic.

7 Steps You Can Take

Jen Dylan provides advice to graduate students for dealing with sexual harassment.

How to Sabbatical

Jennifer Lundquist and Joya Misra provide recommendations for making the most of your year away from traditional campus duties.

What Are Students Rating When They Rate Instructors?

New study suggests student evaluations are dependent on discipline and they tend to be especially “hazardous” to professors in quantitative fields.

How to Pad Your CV

Hershey H. Friedman and Frimette Kass-Shraibman provide a tongue-in-cheek primer to help dishonest senior administrators advance in their careers.