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There’s Plenty of Time Left in 2018

How can you make the most of the rest of the year? Victoria McGovern explores some ways to answer that question.

Teaching First-Generation Latinx Students

Alicia M. Reyes-Barriéntez offers strategies that individual professors can use to teach them effectively.

Everyone’s New Job Description

Managing crises is increasingly a skill that most administrators and faculty members must learn, writes Terri G. Givens.

What I Wish I Knew Before Starting Grad School

Looking back a decade later, Vanessa R. Corcoran offers some tips.

Keeping Conversation on the Syllabus

When it comes to what should go on a syllabus, the toughest questions are often best answered by students, argues David Ebenbach.

Counting the Hours

Melissa Dalgleish explains how tracking your time for a week can help you figure out what to do with your life.

Sharing Diversity Work: Notes for White Faculty

Jessica Welburn Paige outlines what faculty members who are not members of underrepresented groups can do to become more engaged in diversity and inclusion efforts.

What the Job Market Is -- and Isn't

Understanding the difference can help take the stress out of looking for a position, writes Stephen J. Aguilar.