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Peer Review Reviewed

In trying to get her students to care about writing, Rachel Wagner decided that she had to get them to care about editing.

A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Stephanie K. Eberle advises students to start thinking about career development early in their education.

We Need to Systematize Alt-Ac Career Guidance

Faculty advisers should have frank conversations with their students about long-term plans from the moment those students arrive on the campus, writes Zeb Larson.

What the 'American College President' Needs Today

The current environment requires academic leaders to focus more on their institutions’ dynamic capabilities and ecological fitness, Stefano Falconi and David Teece argue.

A Cycle of Advice

Every new group of humanities and social science scholars needs guidance to reimagine professional development and career options, writes Alfreda James.

Civility for Whom?

With academic freedom and free speech under attack, we should see calls for civility for what they are: attempts to silence the messenger, write Johnny E. Williams and David G. Embrick.

What Makes a Good Chief Academic Officer?

Michael T. Marsden offers lessons that he's learned serving at liberal arts colleges for close to two decades.

Launching Toward New Leadership Horizons

Based on her recent experience at a major public university, Elizabeth H. Simmons reflects on the surprises new chief academic officers may encounter in their first year.