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How to Change an Unhealthy Department Culture

It can make the difference between a high-performing collegial unit and one riven by factions, rivalries or unproductive friction, argue Elizabeth A. Luckman, Robert A. Easter, C. K. Gunsalus and Nicholas C. Burbules.

Yes, You Should Negotiate

Even if it's your dream job, you still need to guarantee that you will earn a salary that can support you, writes Stephen J. Aguilar.

F-Words in the Classroom

Some words seem to be treated as anathemas when it comes to college teaching, Karen Costa writes -- and then argues why they shouldn't be.

Sometimes It's Good to Get Away

Grad school brings its own anxieties, and when they are weighing you down, a retreat may be what you need, counsels Victoria McGovern.

Racial Literacy as a Curricular Requirement

A core curriculum must be institutionalized and mandated for all students, argues Daisy Verduzco Reyes.

Industry Training Must Become the Norm

With simply not enough academic careers for the high numbers of Ph.D. graduates, universities must equip students for a variety of careers outside higher education, argues Amy Loriaux.

Targeted: Surviving Social Media Attacks

Hector Y. Adames, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas and Kenneth S. Pope suggest some helpful steps.

Campus Visit Highs and Lows

While such visits are unpredictable, both the candidate and the host can do a few things to be prepared for the unexpected, a junior professor advises.