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On Being Flustered

Marcos Gonsalez describes the challenges of imagining a different way of being in the classroom with students, especially marginalized ones.

Semester Rhythms and Recurring Burnout

What you may be feeling could very well be more than simply end-of-the-year exhaustion, advises Beth Godbee.

Leading Change From the Middle

Ja'Wanda S. Grant provides advice for dealing with brick walls, passing the baton and surviving system crashes.

Set the Stage

Nicole Hesson and Josh DeSantis provide advice for effectively planning and assessing a job candidate's teaching demonstration.

Join Your Grad Student or Postdoc Association

One important lesson Robert Pearson says he's learned is that professional development and such associations intersect in important and interesting ways.

How to Frame Course Evaluations With Your Students

Zachary Nowak describes how you can help them to help you help them.

Creating Serendipity

Stephen J. Aguilar offers guidance for developing habits that will help you maximize the odds of being at the right place at the right time when it comes to your career.

A Tool Kit for Teaching About Research

Junior Prof provides some classroom tips for engaging your students in research.