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What To Expect When You're Expecting

Afshan Jafar considers the similarities between starting a family and an academic career.

Web 2.0 -- at Your Own Pace

Roger McHaney offers advice for professors who want to embrace digital tools, but aren't quite sure where to start.

Just Say No -- Maybe

Trysh Travis considers when it may not be in students' interests to write them letters of recommendation.

Tips for a Brighter Campus

G.B. Shaw said that "youth is wasted on the young." Be that as it may, college is not wasted on the older, at least on kinder campuses. Maria Shine Stewart reflects.

The Accidental Therapist

Nate Kreuter considers the role of instructors when their students come to them with decidedly nonacademic problems.

Don't Be a Snob

Even if you find at a campus visit that an institution isn't for you, never show a lack of interest, writes Kathryn Hume.

Don’t Hit Send Until You Read This

E-mail communication is fast and convenient -- which is exactly why it often exacerbates conflict, rather than helping avoid it, writes John Frazee.

How to Enjoy a Sabbatical

Sybil L. Holloway considers the roles of planning, preparation and setting reasonable expectations.