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Encouraging Inclusivity Without Sacrificing Ourselves

Some tenets of inclusive teaching can undercut the career trajectories, classroom respect and mental health of instructors who are minoritized in our fields, writes Kerstin M. Perez.

Magnify Your Purpose

Jennifer Snodgrass describes the value of developing a personal purpose and mission statement for your career and life.

What Happened When I Made My Students Cheat

When it was not an option for the desperate or lazy to attempt in the dark, we were forced to confront together larger questions about the purpose of education, writes Joel Heng Hartse.

Still Looking for That Tenure-Track Job?

Natalie Ruth Joynton found her search for such a position felt increasingly draconian and full of trapdoors. So she tried an online job board instead.

Career Traps or Pathways?

Morris Grubbs and Austin Trantham explore the conundrum of contingent faculty jobs for academics seeking tenure-track positions.

You Just Earned Your Doctoral Degree. Now What?

Estelle Young and A. Yvette Myrick explore how continuing professional development can help you capitalize on your achievements and make significant contributions to your field.

Teach Your Discipline and Help Students Get Jobs

Studying the humanities is a good in and of itself. That is completely true. And it’s a strategic argument that will win over no one, argues Rachel Toor.

Text Spinners and the Problem of Paraphrase Plagiarism

Instructors may notice the phenomenon of strange synonyms appearing in student papers, but they aren’t always aware of the tools used to produce those papers, writes Elizabeth Steere.