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The N-Word

The adjunct fired by Towson U. last week may have been clumsy and inexact in his language, but the university had no business firing him, writes Cary Nelson.

Time Out to Write

It’s crucial to save time for writing and tune out distractions, write Carmen Werder and Karen Hoelscher.

Am I Done Yet?

When should a graduate student go on the market? Fabio Rojas offers suggestions.

Just Say No

If you want your career to advance, you need to minimize service work, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

From Academe to Wall Street

Eliza Woolf chats with an English Ph.D. who made a career at an investment firm.

Things I Wish I Had Known

Carmen Tejeda-Delgado on what she learned on the road to becoming a tenured faculty member.

The Sunday Meeting

One key to progress is setting a plan for every week, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

The Joyful Professor

You can shift from surviving the life of a faculty member to thriving as one, writes Barbara Spang Minsker.