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Making a Difference Through Public Engagement

Engaging larger publics and influencing policy through one's scholarship can be personally rewarding, but such work too often goes unrecognized in university systems of evaluation, write Joya Misra and Jennifer Lundquist.

Posttenure Blues

Kerry Ann Rockquemore offers five questions to ask yourself if you’re newly tenured and in a crisis-ridden department.

Nabokov in the Age of Snapchat

Eric Farwell provides four ideas to help interest today’s students, who seem to want to read only increasingly shorter pieces, in English and literature courses.

Tips for Talking About Other Options

David A. McDonald gives advice for talking to your adviser about nonacademic career plans.

A Call for Flexible Name-Change Policies

A major concern for trans people today is the process of legally changing one’s name, as well as one’s gender marker, on official college records, writes Katriel Paige.

Creating Trans-Inclusive Curricula

Stacy Jane Grover gives advice on how to avoid curriculum choices that exoticize, tokenize and discipline the experiences of transgender and gender-nonconforming students.

What I Learned as a Creepy-Clown Expert

Many of us in academe might find that we have important expertise to share in surprising ways, writes Jason D. Seacat.

Rethinking Professional Development

Humanities departments need to recognize today’s job market and change the tenure-or-bust attitude that’s still too prevalent on many campuses, writes Marcus Cederström.