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Help Is Right at Hand

Never again after graduate school will you have access to so many free, high-quality career development services, writes Melissa Dalgleish, who advises how to make the most of what your campus offers.

Birthing Both a Baby and Ph.D. as a Woman of Color

Dealing with both pregnancy and a Ph.D. were challenge enough, writes Whitney N. Laster Pirtle, without the unexpected additional burdens that she faced.

'Playing The Game' for Black Grad Students

Eric Joy Denise shares advice and insights for new and prospective students.

Writing an Effective Abstract: An Audience-Based Approach

A bad abstract won’t by itself cause journal editors to reject a scholarly article, but it does incline them toward an initial negative answer, write Faye Halpern and James Phelan.

Why We Must Support Sabbaticals

A sabbatical is a privilege that everyone should defend and seek out, not something to be eliminated where it still exists, argues Christopher Schaberg.

Talking Trump in the Classroom

In today's political environment, how can professors challenge students to make sense of a changing world without imposing their own value-based judgments on classroom discussions? Jo-Ellen Pozner suggests some approaches.

Your Ph.D. Experience Is Great Work Experience -- Part I

Contrary to popular and judgmental opinion, your doctoral experience is some of the best real-world working experience you can get, writes Briana Mohan.

Securing Funding During Graduate School

The freedom that research support brings is particularly important for radical scholars of color, writes Victor Ray, who gives advice on how to obtain it.