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What Can I Do With a Ph.D. in My Discipline Outside Academe?

Skills and knowledge gained from relevant work experience -- and not credentials -- are what will open doors and create opportunities for graduate degree holders, write Jennifer Polk and L. Maren Wood.

How to Talk to Students With Ill-Considered Beliefs

Simply presenting the facts is generally not effective in changing minds on a charged issue, writes Gleb Tsipursky.

When Life Unbalances Your Work

Leah Colvin provides advice for the times when upheavals in life change everything you thought you knew about your work self.

Is Gender Bias an Intended Feature of Teaching Evaluations?

Such evaluations pretend to be the result of a neutral process but are better measures of student stereotypes than teaching effectiveness, argues Victor Ray.

Trading the Tenure Track for Tech

Chandra Y. Osborn explains why she walked away from a position at a prestigious university to join a tech start-up -- and what she learned about academic research along the way.

Family-Friendly Conferences

Few institutions and associations have considered the particular hurdles conference participation presents for women scholars with children, argue Angela L. Bos, Jennie Sweet-Cushman and Monica Schneider.

Let’s Stop Normalizing Student Debt

Why do academics accept and perpetuate the idea, asks Jessica Estep, that financial ruin should be the norm for humanities Ph.D.s?

Best Practices for Professional Email

Natalie Lundsteen offers some basic tips to help you have clear and confident electronic communication.