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Getting Ready to Leave Academe

Greta Perel offers some first steps for those thinking about alternative careers.

Rethinking Research Fellowships

Are foundations offering appropriate assistance to 21st-century scholars for research and writing? Diana Thompson Vincelli explores the issue.

Dealing With Workplace Incivility

You can pursue some strategies as a manager to prevent issues ahead of time and to address them when they happen, advises Ellen de Graffenreid.

Succeeding From Day 1

You need a plan for the start of a new job, writes Saundra Loffredo.

Striking a Nerve

Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt offers strategies for when the right wing attacks.

Underqualified? Overqualified?

Jennifer Polk and L. Maren Wood give advice on how to use networking to be just right for the job market.

How Healthy Is Your Academic Department?

Nicholas C. Burbules, C. K. Gunsalus, Robert A. Easter and BrandE Faupell have created a tool to help you diagnose problems in your academic unit and identify ways to improve it.

Creating an Inclusive Classroom

Strategies for making learning more accessible for students with disabilities often make the classroom experience better for all students, writes Sara Schley.