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Job Search Myths Worth Shattering

Don’t believe everything you read about the job search, advises Joseph Barber.

Alumni Should Be Activists for Institutional Change

They should use their voices on behalf of students working toward equity and against institutional injustices, argues Karina Santellano.

Learning From the Success of LeBron James

Academics can learn from the basketball superstar, writes Belinda Wheeler.

Connecting on LinkedIn

Jennifer Polk and L. Maren Wood answer the most commonly asked questions from Ph.D.s seeking jobs beyond the professoriate.

Is Your University Racist?

Bedelia Nicola Richards highlights five questions you should ask yourself to determine if that's the case.

Why Colleges Should Consider Co-Presidencies

They could offer significant benefits and are not rare if one looks beyond academe, argue Karen Gross, Chris Forrest and Brandy Forrest.

Avoiding Annual Review Stress

Ellen de Graffenreid provides tips for managers to help find ways to make the process less fraught and time-consuming.