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Supporting Your Supervisees in Career Exploration

Faculty members can't know the ins and outs of every job that might interest their grad students and postdocs, but they do have some significant career-related responsibilities, writes Melissa Dalgleish.

Ph.D. in Progress

Seanna Leath describes the challenges of mothering at the intersection of poverty and privilege.

The Zero-Sum Game of Faculty Productivity

Those of us who work in academe can better prioritize our time if we make explicit the trade-offs that exist in faculty work, writes Michael S. Harris.

It’s All About the Ad

Cassandra O’Sullivan Sachar describes why and how you should tailor your CV to get the job.

What I Learned From a Teaching Award

Thomas Hallock describes four insights he gained as both a recipient and a judge.

Careers Go in Chapters

The metaphor is particularly useful for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars for many reasons -- some obvious and others less so, writes Chris M. Golde.

How to Best Navigate the Africana Studies Joint Position

N. Fadeke Castor and Bertin M. Louis Jr. describe how best to cope with the toll that holding an Africana studies joint position takes on your body, mind and spirit.

Navigating Misunderstandings and Conflict

They can damage relationships if not handled quickly and effectively, warns Stephen J. Aguilar, who offers some advice.