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Partners in Scholarship

Delia Dumitrica and Georgia Gaden Jones describe the rewards of research collaboration that takes a slowed-down approach rooted in interaction and ongoing dialogue.

Campus Life and Caregiving

Many people on campuses are struggling to balance work and caregiving these days, and Amy Armenia, Sharon Carnahan and Alice Davidson offer advice on how to support them.

A Decade After Dee

Reflecting on his own challenges in grad school, Michael T. Parker explores mental health and persistence in a time of pandemic -- and what advisers can do to support their students.

How to Avoid Failing Your Ph.D. Dissertation

Daniel Sokol, who helps students appeal dissertation decisions, offers insights into the common pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.

Revitalizing Classes Through Oral Exams

Updating oral exams for the virtual classroom helps students improve their communication, conquer anxiety, solve problems quickly and think creatively, writes Della Dumbaugh.

Making Real Change a Classroom at a Time

What or why to teach are more important considerations than how to teach if we are to offer an education that truly matters at this distinct historical juncture, writes Andrew Kaufman.

Now's Not the Time to Cut Faculty Development Funds

In fact, the opposite should be happening, argues Vicki L. Baker, who details four key ways such funds can benefit not only faculty but also their institutions during these difficult days.

Measures to Support Faculty During COVID-19

The pandemic has amplified pre-existing inequities among faculty members, creating distinct challenges for differently situated ones, write Ethel L. Mickey, Dessie Clark and Joya Misra.