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How Selling Old T-Shirts Made Me a Better Teacher

My side hustle has generated experiences I can bring to my classes, connected me to the entrepreneurial community and created a point of mutual interest with my students, writes Bill Zimmerman.

Children's Books: Grown-Up Lessons

Candy Lee shares some of the lessons she's learned teaching a college course on tackling tough subjects using picture books.

Anatomy of an Academic Genre

The chair’s letter is the principal information conduit to the dean and central administration and, thus, a decisive element in the tenure and promotion process, writes Richard Utz.

Coming to America

Irina Filonova and Paola Barriga share four key things they wish they'd known about graduate training in the United States when they came from abroad.

Reflections of Just Another Anonymous Professor's Wife

An academic spouse ponders how the more things have changed over the past 100 years, the more they have remained the same.

Unmasking My Deaf Experience During COVID-19

In class, I cannot get close enough to read people's lips behind the face shields because of social distancing rules, Kevin Garrison writes, so my students are increasingly silent.

Virtual Learning Should and Can Be Hands-On

Alexis R. Abramson, an engineering dean, provides advice on how to replicate the experiential learning of labs, group projects and field research in virtual and hybrid classes.

The Hidden Expenses of Remote Teaching

Online teaching has often forced faculty to retrofit living spaces into professional offices, and meanwhile the expenses quietly yet steadily increase, writes Regina A. Bernard.