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Improving the First Contact

The impression you give when you first meet people can make or break your career opportunities. Saundra Loffredo provides tips for ensuring the former.

Grad Students, Entrepreneurialism and Career Preparation

Grad students need to apply to their career preparation the same entrepreneurial spirit they apply to their academic research, argues James M. Van Wyck.

From Linguistic Judo to Hustle

Career development requires energy and flexibility in a fluid job market, writes Alfreda James, and graduate students now have many more sources and accessible options for advice related to it.

Career Advice by the Book

Natalie Lundsteen shares a shortlist of standout books providing valuable guidance to Ph.D.s engaged in a career search.

Talking Merrily About Your Research

Joseph Barber advises on how to discuss with family and friends over the holidays what exactly it is you do as a Ph.D. student or postdoc.

What Am I Qualified to Do With a Ph.D.?

This is one of the wrong questions that students often ask when they consider career plans, writes Christine Kelly.

Evaluating Professionals in Academe

We need to find better ways to evaluate faculty members in professional disciplines for tenure and promotion -- a sort of "professional analytics," Michael Bugeja argues.

Why Should You Ask Questions?

By helping you network and practice your pitch, among other things, they can be crucial to an effective job search, says Joseph Barber.