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More Than One Way to Meet Career Goals

Normal life obstacles and a global pandemic don't mean that progress on your career journey must stop. It may just take a different shape than you originally expected, Lauren Easterling writes.

Biscuits & Radical Poetry

Alfreda James offers some self-care essentials for graduate students.

Putting Your Professional Development to Work

If you pursued a graduate degree because you thought that knowing more, and sharing that knowledge, could make positive change, now is your time, writes Melissa Dalgleish.

How to Keep Your Options Open

In the coming months, facing uncertainty head-on and doing what you can to prepare for multiple possible job outcomes is the best thing you can do for your future self, advises Derek Attig.

Career Exploration Through the Lens of Equity

We need equity-minded scholars now more than ever, writes Deborah S. Willis, and she shares some practical strategies for how to become one.

Applying Your Ph.D. Knowledge to Alt-Ac Careers

The skills you’ve learned are vital, but so is the actual subject-matter expertise you’ve gained, argues Dan Moseson.

The Many Benefits of Helping Others to Help Yourself

If you're feeling stuck in your own career exploration, networking or job search, look around and find people who may be similarly stuck, advises Joseph Barber.

The Importance of Informational Interviews

As we approach a new faculty hiring season this fall, given the uncertainty of how many positions will be available, you need to be proactive, advises Chris Smith.