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Making Freelance Academic Work a Fairly Paid Venture

Brian DeGrazia recommends some best practices for ensuring that early-career scholars receive not only professional development but also market-value compensation for such work.

When Is It Time to Move On?

Whether it is an opportunity to advance or just to leave an experience behind, sometimes the greatest work is determining the appropriate moment to do so, writes Lauren Easterling.

Ph.D.s Benefit When Universities Track Metrics and Outcomes

Patrick Brandt explores some of the ways you can take advantage of the positive changes that have occurred in graduate career training and development in the past decade.

I Really Dislike Negotiating, But…

… whatever our circumstances, Joseph Barber writes, we should all negotiate for something as part of our next job offer.

Be Bold, Be Entrepreneurial

Adriana Bankston offers advice on how to advance your career as an early-career scientist.

Meet Empathy, a Career Power Tool

Irina Filonova explores how you can use this foundational skill to advance your career and maintain well-being during a job search.

Never Take These Skills for Granted

Jovana Milosavljevic Ardeljan explains why higher ed institutions should provide communications support programs and why graduate students and postdocs should seek them out.

Strategies for Starting a Job While Remote

Ashley Brady shares tips for how to take the initiative and ask for what you need to succeed.