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Teaching Journalism in the Age of Trump

Meredith O’Brien describes her struggles with how to teach students to be savvy, fair-minded news consumers in the current environment.

On Being Flustered

Marcos Gonsalez describes the challenges of imagining a different way of being in the classroom with students, especially marginalized ones.

The White Man Template and Academic Bias

“Legitimate” pursuits of knowledge are expressions of power, write Rebecca A. Reid and Todd A Curry.

Life On (and Off) the Tenure Track

Michael Johnson Jr. offers suggestions for how tenure-track faculty members can and must support adjuncts and other "temporary" colleagues in academe.

When Their Kids Don’t Make the Cut

The rich cheat to get ahead in college admissions, but celebrities and CEOs aren’t the only ones playing the game, writes Jessica Calarco.

A Chicano Mathematics Contender?

Much more needs to be done to increase the number of minority faculty members and to promote mathematics as a field of study for students of color, writes Alvaro Huerta.

Racial Literacy as a Curricular Requirement

A core curriculum must be institutionalized and mandated for all students, argues Daisy Verduzco Reyes.

Academic Prioritization or Killing the Liberal Arts?

An English professor laments the downsizing of liberal arts and humanities programs and departments by college administrators bent on promoting more "job-oriented" disciplines.