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Ask the Right Questions

Candidates for tenure should not count on their departments or colleagues to clearly lay out what's expected of them, Rena Seltzer writes.

Year One on the Tenure Track

Christopher Garland found unexpected challenges and rewards in his new faculty job, and he shares some lessons for others seeking that holy grail.

How Should a Professor Be?

Christopher Schaberg and Mark Yakich offer advice for those starting off their careers, or just another academic year.

Democratizing the Academic Job Search

Job candidates have access to more information than ever about the search process, but departments and their faculties must not leave grad students to the vagaries of Internet advice, Marietta Morrissey argues.

The 'Revise and Resubmit'

Michael S. Harris offers advice on how to handle a key part of the publishing process.

Saying Yes

New tenure-track professors receive lots of advice about turning down requests, but there are times they may benefit from saying yes, writes Melissa Dennihy.

What I Wish I Had Known

Kirstie Ramsey reflects on what would have been good knowledge when she was starting on the tenure track.

Getting a Life in the Humanities

Greg Colón Semenza and Garrett A. Sullivan Jr. share some of the reflections in their new book about careers in academe -- notwithstanding all the negative stories.