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A Time for Leaders, Not Managers

Some positive and negative examples in the real world.

Why—and How—Marketers Should Receive Feedback as a Gift

Four tactics for embracing feedback from nonmarketers.

Jackson Lears: The Scholar as Cultural Critic

Cultural critique as a model for humanistic study.

Three Questions for Pepperdine’s Farzin Madjidi on Working with 2U

A conversation with the dean of Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education and Psychology.

Universities Should Be for Students

Institutions should serve stakeholders, not the other way around.


Power, Identity and the Battle Over Campus Culture

Unpacking power dynamics and identity politics on college campuses.

For Pell Grants to Help Incarcerated Learners, Credits Must Transfer

Transfer advocates will be essential to improving credit mobility of higher education in prison programming.

From Draft Cards to Hashtags

The changing face of student protest from the 1960s to today.