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Should colleges slap their name on generic courses offered by someone else?

Medical Education and the Ethiopian Exodus of Talent

A 2012 study at Addis Ababa University showed that around 53 percent of medical students hoped to emigrate upon graduating, particularly to the United States and Europe.

Be More Like Amazon?

Amazon is investing in training workers. This is also an opportunity for postsecondary education to do the same.

'The Technology Trap' as Companion to 'Robot-Proof’

Is this the book that higher ed folks should be reading in 2019?

Disruption and Adverse Selection

This one gets a little wonky, but the subject matters. In reflecting on last week’s Baltimore conference, I keep circling...

Guest Post: Reclaiming Assessment's Promise

New guidance from the Department of Education could help. A guest post from David Eubanks, Vice President of Insitutional Effectiveness at Furman University.