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Some Ideas for the New Nonprofit Funded by the Sale of edX

Studying the alignment of institutional change with the future of teaching and learning.

A Remote Work Continuum Framework

Thinking about work through the lens of The Low-Density University.

Using the Past to Guide the Future

Texas turns to past studies to illuminate strategies for supporting transfer students and contextual considerations that are still relevant today.

OER and Teaching Through the Rearview Mirror

Course content is a sacred compact between the instructor and the learner. Truth, relevancy and currency are among the key components of that agreement.

What Do We Mean by Educational Innovation?

Let’s not treat innovation simply as a matter of technology, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Sharpening Communication Skills Blunted by the Pandemic

As we return to our normal work lives, public relations practitioners need to dust off interpersonal skills dulled by pandemic restrictions and adapt them to improve Zoom interactions, which are here to stay.