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Guest Blogger: Daniel Yoo

I planned at the start of this blog to have occasional guest writers, and today I'm pleased to bring you...

Voice and View

University English departments have splintered into literature, film studies, cultural studies, linguistics, rhetoric/writing studies, and business/technical writing divisions, each with...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Churm!

My Dear Mrs. Churm, On your birthday, I looked long and hard for something to convey my feelings anew, after...

A Cure for Spring Break

On campuses everywhere, the entire week before any break should be set aside for these kinds of colloquies: Prof: Where...

New Free Sex Sale!

That’s the headline of the world’s most successful advertisement, regardless of product—or would be, if someone had the courage to...

A Head Like Rock Maple

If you read my stuff, you know I’m a delicate flower—exquisitely sensitive—and a lover, not a fighter. But a self-reflective...

False Impressions

Is burnout a big force, like depression or exhaustion? Or is it an “incremental perturbation,” as John Barth calls drama...

Vietnam, Part 3

My cohort in the Miami MFA was a bit older and more diverse than others. We had among us a...