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Coach Langston Cast Down to the Bowels of Hell

Your university's football season is almost here! To get you in the mood, UD will be running some noteworthy gridiron...

Trying to Remember 18

In an aside last week, I mentioned that my first semester at Snooty Liberal Arts College was an academic belly-flop...

Great Ideas in the Garden State

New Jersey has been all over the higher ed headlines this week. Two pieces of great news: The prosecutor who...

New Occupational Certificates

In a never-ending quest to serve demonstrated needs, we're considering developing certificate programs in some newly emerging professions: Celebrity Gossip...

Oronte Churm Out-of-Office Reply

Hello. I am currently out of the office and am unable to take your calls, e-mails, text messages, instant messages...

Ask the Administrator: Setting Up Base Camp

A new correspondent writes: After ten years or so of adjuncting around, I've quite happily been awarded a "full-time one...

Ask My Readers: Grade Appeals

(I'm thinking out loud in this post, looking for constructive suggestions. This is not some sort of position paper.) How...

Ranking CC's

An alert reader sent me a link to the Washington Monthly's rating of the top 30 community colleges in America...