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Ph.D.'s at CC's

An alert reader noticed my passing comment in a post last week and wrote to ask why I would support...

Another Sign of the Apocalypse

One of the drawbacks of writing with a pen name is the restriction it places on topics. I can’t tell...

Taxing the Sports Factory

Since at least the early 20th century, it has been fashionable to attack college athletics as distorting the priorities of...

Ginsberg Again

Brown University student, 2007: ' as to end up flaccid, immobile , alone on the carpet of a dorm room...

Looking the Part

There's an eyebrow-raising discussion over at New Kid's, in response to a first person piece in the Chronicle. I didn't...

Behold, A Black Horse

Yep, just as Revelation predicted, on the heels of war comes famine—the strange self-chosen famine of the overfed society—announced by...

Ask the Administrator: ABD Seeks JOB

A returning correspondent writes: I am in the midst of completing my dissertation,wrestling with 250 pages of text at the...

Ask the Administrator: Adjunct Course Development

A new correspondent writes: I am a recovering adjunct. I still teach a fewcourses but I am now doing more...