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Just a Job

Picking up on the premodern vs. modern theme of yesterday's post, Grad School Friend (who is on the tenure track...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

Norman Mailer has won England's annual Bad Sex Award, posthumously, for a passage in one of his last novels. Here's...

Plate of Shrimp

"It's like when someone says plate. And then someone says shrimp. And then someone says plate of shrimp .... It's...

What John Warner Knows

My guest today is John Warner, editor of McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, a man who once took a chance on a...

Recruiting Without Paying

A returning correspondent writes: I'm just starting to think of the hiring season and, while I'm at a urban high...

Deconstructing Faculty Work

Over the past decade much discussion has focused on the growing percentage of college teaching done by contingent faculty. Variously...

College Break-Creep

No, not the guy standing in front of the toilet door on the charter bus from Michigan State to Daytona...

Fun with Boards

Although some on campus like to talk about The Administration as a monolith, like The Borg, it's actually composed of...