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Thanks to everyone who answered yesterday's call! It helped, actually. Doc made a comment that particularly struck me, and that...

Administrators You've Actually Liked: An Informal Poll

This one is intended for the faculty, though anyone with constructive ideas is welcome to participate. Think back to (or...

Study at Home

One of the main benefits of studying abroad has always been the new perspective that immersion in another culture provides...


This story in IHE made me laugh out loud. Apparently, a community college in New Jersey briefly floated a policy...

UD's Excellent Adventure

Myles Brand is a little like Woody Allen, complete with the rather whiny accent and the self-deprecating manner. UD considered...

Ask the Administrator: Is Re-Accreditation Worth It?

A new correspondent writes (edited for length and anonymity): [Her daughter] recently learned that the awesome, charismatic, incredible, passionate department...


UD has just attended her first press conference as a reporter. She had a tussle with Myles Brand about what...

Music City

UD has hopped a cab from the Gaylord for a quick walk through Nashville. The afternoon is mild and full...